How to Prepare your Home for the Monsoons

July 8, 2018

prepare homes in monsoon

How to prepare your home for the monsoons

After months of scorching summers, how wonderful is it to welcome monsoons. The clean crisp air, the green surroundings and the smell of earth after rains make the heart joyful and we all long for that one hot cup of chaha.

As the rains have already arrived, how about making some changes to our house so that it is a little less inconvenient.

Here is how you can prep your home for the monsoons:

  • Check all your drains beforehand: Make sure you have clean drains so that it is easy for the rain water to escape. Clean the terrace, balcony and all other drains at all times.
  • Fix the roof :Check the roof of the house and fix any crack as soon as possible. Heacy rains will make the wall go damp and water will start seeping into the house.
  • Umbrella Stands: You don’t want all the water and dirt getting inside the house with you. It is advisable to put an umbrella stand and raincoat hangers outside the door during monsoons to keep all thing wet outside the door.
  • Keep all carpets inside: Monsoon is a bad time to keep your carpets out. To avoid them from being moist , damp and extra dirty, sundry it and put it inside the bed box or the cupboard.
  • Invest in good quality foot mats: One thing that you need to invest in is good quality foot mat. It will help in keeping your feet dry while entering the house and also make your house look nice.

You and your house, both need some special care during monsoons. Just some little changes and some additions will serve the purpose. To look for properties, visit and find your perfect home.

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