Why Residents Must-watch Out for Open Spaces Inside & Outside the Home

September 8, 2020

The benefits of open spaces in the house and outside cannot be stressed enough because it has a direct correlation to the mental & physical well being of the people who live there. In cluttered homes thrives chaos and lack of communication. Open spaces allow more activity, more walking around. Open spaces in the apartment or house enhance the aesthetic appeal and provide many recreational opportunities to its residents. Besides open spaces inside small houses make the house look large.

Having space around your house for leisure walks after dinner and space for kids is to play is non-negotiable. Advantages of open space in the home or outside are both of exceptional importance.

Let us run through five benefits of having open spaces in and around your home.

Merits of Open Spaces

1. Health Benefits 


Spending a huge chunk of our day glued to different screens, be it for work or entertainment is not doing anybody any good. While most of us are aware of this ever-increasing problem, there is little that we do to curb it. However, if open spaces like parks and playgrounds are nearby, the motivation to increase physical activity comes along easy.


It has been observed that apartments offering amenities rich in outdoor sports attract more buyers. In fact as a home buyer, you should always look for flats or apartments with the maximum number of healthy amenities. Whether it is concrete open spaces of jogging or cycling tracks, tennis or basketball courts or the green areas of gardens and play area, all contribute to several health benefits. Many residential projects have designated podiums or simple gardens that serve as great yoga corners. A variety of sports facilities makes residences bliss not only for you but your kids too! The best part about these recreational activities – a much-required break from screens…Sounds good?


2. Economic Benefits/ Excellent ROI

Well-maintained projects with large open spaces add a lot to the aesthetic and monetary value of a residential area. More and more people look for homes with greener and open spaces. Surrounded by concrete, people are now looking for spaces that connect them to nature in some way. The demand for open spaces and the willingness to pay for such residences drives the price of these flats/units higher.

Apartments with sports amenities and more open spaces always get a higher return on investment compared to stand-alone residences. This factor makes well laid out residential projects, better investment opportunities. So while you stay in such a house you reap benefits and even if you plan to sell or rent it out, you get good deals.

3. Social Benefits, Bonding with Fellow Residents

People having more open spaces have happier, healthier homes. Ever heard your parents complaining about your addiction to phones? Or have your grandparents sat down to recall how they spent evenings and weekends meeting friends and neighbours?

All open spaces encourage more and more social interaction for all age groups. In apartments open spaces improve bonding among residents. The well-managed gardens and open areas promote social interaction among people of all ages. You can celebrate festivals and take part in cultural programs.

Social interactions with like-minded individuals are known to have a positive effect on mental health and quality of health. Open spaces make ideal locations to foster social relationships. Residential projects provide social benefits community-living, along with safety and security. Morning jogs or swimming pool sessions cannot only bust your stress but also give you a chance to know your neighbours and make new friends. Your parents could do the same as they indulge in a leisurely evening walk or soak in the nature sitting on a park bench. Organizing ceremonies on festivals and events like friendly swimming competitions or cricket matches also unite all residents.

4. Contribution to the Environment 

We literally live in concrete jungles with soaring temperatures and rising pollution. When there are open spaces around homes, it provides scope for having pockets for greenery. It makes air space more breathable. These tiny pockets of air make the surrounding cooler and more fresh.

Greenery, even in small doses helps improve air quality. This could be your contribution bettering the environment. This becomes an essential factor as all of us are well aware of the rising pollution levels.

The cities with rising noise and air pollutions are part of our existence. So coming back to a home with better, breathable fresh air can significantly change this scenario. More importantly, the size and quality of green open spaces influence the temperatures of the residential area. Open spaces undoubtedly improve the quality of life.


5. Recreational Space in & Around Home

Kids don’t care much about furniture and styling at home. Open spaces inside the houses are especially great for people with pets and small children. Kids & animals love running around the house and playing.
Whether apartments or stand-alone unit, open spaces around homes promote people’s engagement in gardening, running and walks around the house. For large spaces, the residents may even engage in community farming. Gardening and physically working with plants and soil is very relaxing. Since the results are tangible, beautiful plants and organic produce is an excellent reward for the efforts.

Besides open spaces inside homes offer great scope for designing classier homes. On a serious note, when you create and maintain open spaces in a residential project, it becomes a part of the city’s ecosystem; even if it means contributing to the greenery in a small way.

When you are scouting for your dream home, you must check on the Open Space Ratio (OSR) from your developer to get an accurate idea. The OSR is nothing but the percentage of open space available. While there is space crunch in metro cities, the Tier-II towns have better options.

It’s not surprising that people prefer buying homes with increased open spaces. Open spaces make that possible by offering opportunities to interact with like-minded individuals and families inside a gated community. Hence, open space provides residents with a secure environment to pursue their interests both individually and in groups as well.

Be aware of the importance of open spaces in homes and outside; reap maximum benefits out of it!

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