Your home is the reflection of who you are

June 25, 2018

buy a new home

Your home is the reflection of who you are, let it be a good one!

Every home has a distinct identity and every home tell a story about the people living in it. Your home is a reflection of who you truly are and that shows by the color you choose, the kind of furniture you buy, the type of décor you do and the theme you make use of. Some like the modern décor, others might like to decorate their homes in a traditional manner while some may opt for the boho look. There are so many themes and options that one may choose from.

We have so much of creative freedom to express ourselves when we think of giving a certain character to the home.  Choosing furniture, artifacts, etc. that resonate with the theme in mind is the most important aspect of choosing what your home will look like.

How can your décor tell about you:

For eg. – You have travelled the world or wish to, you can dedicate an entire wall to that! Collection of souvenirs, a big world map as a wall paper, your photos from those places can add so much life to your living room. It tells so much about you. Anybody visiting your place for the first time will be so intrigued by the details you have put in designing your home sweet home.

Another example, If you like your place always bright and peppy, how about accentuating one wall with yellow or orange. Include smiley frames or some happiness quotes and decorate it with fairy lights and fresh flowers. Doesn’t this place look like heaven when you enter inside after a hard tiring day at office. This place has such a happy vibe and it tells so much about the people living in it.

Likewise, there will be so many different kinds of themes and designs that one might choose from. Never keep your house dirty and unkept. It’s the place you live in and the place should attract positive energy and emit positive vibes. Keep your house as lighted and airy as possible and do what you love in your happy space. Remember your house is a reflection of who you are and let it be a good one.

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