Residential Projects In Rahatani

2, 3 & 4 BHK Flats in Rahatani

All About Property Investment in Rahatani, Pune

Rahatani’s nearness to Rajiv Gandhi IT Park at Hinjewadi has resulted in converting it into a smartly developing town. Furthermore, its location benefit also makes it a residential hub for migrants coming to Pune in search of job opportunities. This town’s growth perspective has also attracted various industrialists, retailers, service providers, and even local vendors to expand their service. As a result, the town is now growing tremendously while opening new opportunities for jobs and new businesses.

Residential Property in Rahatani


2 BHK Flats in Rahatani, Pune

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2, 3 & 4 BHK Flats
in Pawana Nagar, Near Kokane Chowk, Pune

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